
Vascular Integrity Supporting Evidence
The purpose of the study is to validate the effectiveness of theVI ByPass Syringe™ device to effectively isolate contaminates in a worst-case scenario.
The purpose of the study was to determine the potential hemolytic activity, via the induction of increased levels of free plasma hemoglobin in rabbit blood, in response to the Vascular Integrity™ Technology
The purpose of this product pilot was to measure the ease of use of a new blood collection device. Product compliance it crucial for optimal blood culture accuracy.
Hemolysis is the most common source of error in laboratory samples; it can potentially affect the results of several frequently ordered lab tests, and is responsible for almost 60% of rejected samples,1,2 requiring re-collection.
Blood culture contamination (BCC) increases length of stay (LOS) and leads to unnecessary antimicrobial therapy and/or hospital-acquired conditions (HACs).
When infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses or fungi stop responding to the medicines designed to treat them, that’s AMR. Resistance builds over time through overexposure to antimicrobial drugs, such as antibiotics, or disinfectants. With ineffective treatments, these infections persist in the body and ultimately spread to others.
CLABSIs lead to prolonged hospital stays and increase healthcare costs and mortality. An estimated 250,000 bloodstream infections occur annually, and most are related to the presence of intravascular devices. In the United States, the CLABSI rate in intensive care units (ICU) is estimated to be 0.8 per 1000 central line days.
Aseptic non touch technique – a guide for healthcare workers
Quality: Patient perception – hospital experience is tied to CMS reimbursement. 88% of nurses believe blood collection sticks, fishing & re-sticks NEGATIVELY IMPACT patient experience.
VAT team and Pharmacy: Poor line maintenance and de-clotting costs- Considering supply costs and time spent reconstituting the therapeutics, the cost to address an occlusion can quickly reach $206 per treatment.

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