VI ByPass Syringe®

Innovation Blood and Specimen Collection Technology
VI ByPass Syringe ™ Vascular Integrity

Optimal Blood Collection and Line Maintenance Devices

ByPass Syringe Blue

ByPass Syringe - Blue

The ByPass Syringe Blue combines traditional products into a single, intuitive device featuring the innovative VI Sliding Fluid Seal™ and VI Velocity Reduction Technology™. Designed for use by nurses, it includes a flush-lock option for line maintenance. 

ByPass Syringe Red

ByPass Syringe - Red

The ByPass Syringe Red is a universal collection device that combines traditional products into a single, intuitive, closed system. Designed for use by Phlebotomists to help streamline blood collections and may help reduce risk of  false positive blood cultures.

ByPass Syringe Clear

ByPass Syringe - Clear

The ByPass Syringe Clear is a universal collection device that accommodates long-neck and short-neck bottles. Designed to help streamline blood collections, the ByPass may also help reduce risk of false positive blood cultures and can make blood collection easier from existing lines.

VI ByPass Syringe is evaluated and endorsed by ANTT to reduce contamination and ensure best practice.

May Help Reduce Hemolysis

Designed with VI Velocity Reduction Technology™, ByPass may help decrease device-related hemolysis, as seen in our hemolysis study

May Help Reduce Risk of False Positives

The ByPass Syringe allows for Blood Diversion, which may help minimize the risk of false positive blood cultures. See our microbial contaminate study.

May Help Reduce CLABSI

With it’s design, ByPass can help avoid breaks in aseptic technique required in multi-step line procedures that may contribute to CLABSI rates.

Efficient collection of blood and the reduction of False Positive Blood cultures has never been more important

Statistics reveal that 10% of blood cultures drawn are positive and 3% of those are false. 
The cost of each false positive is between $4,500 – $9,000. (Patton 2016)

Lives Affected

A 3% benchmark means nearly one-third of positive results are wrong. More than 1 million patients are placed at risk by a false positive result each year.

Patton 2016

Healthcare Costs

Every false-positive blood culture may result in approximately $4,739 in additional hospital costs. 1.2 million patients are impacted by a false-positive blood culture in the US each year. This equates to over $5 billion in unnecessary hospital costs.

Skoglund (2018)

CMS Ruling

As of March 2020, hospitals must “demonstrate adherence to nationally recognized infection prevention and control guidelines for reducing the transmission of infections, as well as best practices for improving antibiotic use where applicable, and for reducing the development and transmission of HAIs and antibiotic-resistant organisms.”

CMS 2020

Vascular Integrity Solution

Vascular Integrity is an innovator of a simple, intuitive and versatile device that helps streamlines blood collection in a very complex healthcare environment.

Our VI ByPass Syringe is designed to:

Help streamline blood collections

Help reduce risk of false positive blood cultures

Make collection easier from existing lines

Latest Resources

VAT team and Pharmacy: Poor line maintenance and de-clotting costs- Considering supply costs and time spent reconstituting the therapeutics, the cost to address an occlusion can quickly reach $206 per treatment.
The purpose of this product pilot was to measure the ease of use of a new blood collection device. Product compliance it crucial for optimal blood culture accuracy.
Hemolysis is the most common source of error in laboratory samples; it can potentially affect the results of several frequently ordered lab tests, and is responsible for almost 60% of rejected samples,1,2 requiring re-collection.

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